Faculty (RAQA)

Since the late 1980s, nearly 250 industry and regulatory professionals have taught courses inthe RAQA program, bringing their unique insights and valuable experience to the classroom. 

The program's strength and power can be attributed to the fact that instructors come from numerous corporations as well as the FDA, representing nearly every aspect of the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical  and medical device industries. 

Our students receive insights from the regulator and the regulated, tapping into decades of experience offered by both faculty and students in each class.

The majority of our faculty have taught five years or more for the program. More than 50 of our instructors have taught ten years or more, most while working full-time, providing a consistency in the academic standards and curriculum that continues to be unmatched by other schools.  Several teach two courses every semester, while also maintaining high-level professional prositions. Some teach several topics, allowing the program to schedule whichever course(s) best meets the programs' and students' needs each semester.  

Our faculty are dedicated to the success of their students.  They are also committed to the RAQA program's mission of providing excellent and insightful graduate-level courses. Many interact with students through email, threaded discussions and Zoom calls.  Our RAQA faculty have always been motivated by a personal commitment to give back to industry by educating the next generation of leaders.  The blend of expertise and experience from so many top corporations has established a true fortress of industry knowledge singularly available at Temple University School of Pharmacy.